Being Different Better
than being Best ...

Al and Laura Ries' short talks on examples of cardinal marketing errors made by some of the major brands, present larger-than-life scenarios. Lessons which can learnt by any business of any size. Your brand needs exact and narrow focus. Any business can uniquely position itself, tailored for the specific company, its markets and industry.

More Ries Report videos

Short video by Laura Ries on the perception of a product always winning over product quality. Like putting a footprint in wet concrete. once it dries it remains. And so it is with the perception of a brand in the customer's mind. Laura Ries' short video talk

Short video by Al Ries : Boardroom decisions on product focus can be disastrous, with some cryptic examples we can all learn from. It's what the customer perceives the brand product is, not the quality itself. It's the perception what decides the sale. Al Ries' short video talk

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