An old acceptance is that "50 % of your marketing budget works and 50 % is probably wasted, but do you know which half is which?". But such risks can significantly be reduced by thoroughly detailed analysis and planning.
Marketing planning is a creative but nevertheless a precise and in-depth discipline. With our in-depth approach, strategies and campaigns can be kept to their most effective and economical minimum. For further details, please refer to Marketing Services section.
If you are interested in learning about the basic marketing principles, we have added notes on the 22 laws of marketing. The 22 Marketing Laws of Marketing.
World renowned marketing specialist Al Ries' short video gives an interesting perspective on costly errors in making ill-prepared marketing changes : Al Ries' video talk on effective product positioning and costly mistakes to be avoided.
We are expert in isolating and implementing additional strategic options for growing companies, which can uncover unforseen opportunities for expansion (including international) that add further return on marketing investment and stakeholder value, resulting in long-term business relationships and durable growth.
Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function. It includes the whole company seen from the point of view of its final result. That is, from the customer's point of view. Business success is not determined by the producer but by the customer, involving everyone in the company.
The succesful marketing companies of the world have a pervasive marketing oriented culture which permeates the entire company. They are succesful because they follow certain principles and do specific things. Their return on marketing investment is carefully measured and assessed.
We can assist any size company implement its own effective marketing culture, of a professional standard that is right for the business, the customers and the budget. Part of our culture is to share our knowledge, experience and the rationale of our marketing recommendations to our clients.
Please call us for a no obligation exploratory discussion
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