Six Sigma and Business Advancement

The ultimate aim of Six Sigma is a high level of customer satisfaction and retention. Implemented correctly, companies have seen a significant upsurge of their investment of time, people and money   —   reflected in a succesful business capable of achieving its aims.

"Six Sigma" actually comes from statistics   —   "process capability studies". It ensures an exceptionally high proportion of the products manufactured are within high quality specifications. But it can be extended and applied in simple steps to all departments of a business, whatever their function.

" In order to bring about improvements, the role of management is to change the process rather than badgering individuals to do better and how to achieve this ".

Complete Performance in
All Sectors of the Business

                        Six Sigma is not restricted to engineering and production and potentially                         covers all manner of ;service-related activities. What matters is that the                         operation is identified as being critical and relevant to company strategy and                         customer satisfaction.

                        "Operations" aren't simply manufacturing processes. It is any                         procedure important to customer satisfaction, including handling a                         customer complaint or understanding a customer query. Six Sigma,                         in other words, covers all service-related activities in addition to                         manufacturing processes. Crucially, it accurately identifies each of                         the operations that are critical to business success and customer                         satisfaction.

                        Six Sigma helps dispose of unproductive or defective operations in a business and divert resources into the most successful and productive operations instead.

Meticulous tracking of customer satisfaction and continuous openness to positive modifications to meet this goal govern the processes. Sometimes remedies are relatively simple, such as using umbrella companies, to temporarily hire skilled personnel for specific purposes rather than hiring permanent staff. Others may involve more detailed reform of business practises. But the detailed analysis and prescriptions will be carefully implemented for maximum effect. Customer Relationship Marketing management is related to this subject, on which further notes are provided.

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