Market Research

  • With her 25 years of experience with SME's as well as Blue Chip multinationals, Jill Carter heads our Research section. She has undertaken a wide range of qualitative work and project-managed quantitative studies from start to finish, using whichever techniques are appropriate, or devising new approaches. Industries include financial and professional services organisations, from brand-leading insurers and Big Four accountants through to regional professional partnerships and major travel companies.
  • With her formal training and experience, Jill is well qualified as a market researcher. She worked two years with a high-profile international research agency and twenty years managing a full service research company with its own field force and CATI telephone unit. As an independent consultant she worked with high-profile clients including the British Heart Foundation, Deloitte, Hewlett Packard, Horsham District Council, RBS Insurance and West Sussex County Council, as well as smaller, growing organisations.

Jill says: "The challenges of the current economy make it more important than ever to understand the people you are serving and to identify how best to meet their needs. We too need to meet the needs of our clients by devising research which fitst their budget without cutting any corners".

"We have first-hand experience of a wide range of research techniques in diverse market sectors which means that we can design the most appropriate research strategy, using questioning techniques which yield valuable information to service our client's objectives".

"We work closely with specialists to combine our skills, who bring skills with strategy, marketing, business development, sales and reative design expertise, in order to assist clients in formulating and implementing action plans resulting from research findings".

Jill also served for three years as a Director of Sussex Enterprise and is now involved with the Coast to Capital LEP, a group set up to encourage entrepreneurship through start-ups and development of existing businesses. Recent projects have involved Neighbourhood Plans, identifying ways of boosting the economic viability of local High Streets.

The Pertinax Partnership develops perceptive and practical marketing objectives for growing companies, including technology and IT. Every company has its own individual character, not unlike the characteristics of an individual person. We are specialists in uncovering this uniqueness, which will assist in isolating a true "differentness" among competitors.

Business Development | Marketing | Management Consultants
