For companies under severe stress from creditors we offer comprehensive services designed to bring order and control of creditors (including HMRC) demands, while also guarding the interests of the shareholders and owners.
When a business is struggling and under siege from creditors, legal action and recovery agents, it can seem like there is no way out. It is important to neither panic nor ignore the problem and hope it will just go away — because it rarely will.
As with most situations and decisions in business, the correct approach is to gather information, take advice, and make proactive and informed decisions about how best to achieve a resolution.
We can provide advice that can make the difference and we know what to do. With focused planning, the situation can be brought under control and carefully managed toward a viable solution. But maintaining detailed control of the process is critical.
Don't wait until it is too late.
When things get tough, directors and business owners find that professional help and "friends" evaporate. Many thousands of struggling but otherwise viable businesses fail because the directors receive bad, elusive or no advice.
With the right action, immediate support from sincere professional people will provide relief from creditor pressure and fending off legal action.
There are many options available for reconstruction. However, maintaining control of the process is essential, which is achieved through being proactive.
If a form of insolvency is the best way forward and will achieve the best results, the right expertise will straighten out the company's affairs.
If the situation is left to deteriorate and a hostile creditor, HMRC or the bank appoints their own Insolvency Practitioner, control of the situation is completely lost and the company is at their mercy. Bearing in mind that Insolvency Practitioners only represent the interests of the creditors, this is obviously not good news.
The company can be rescued and restructured, resulting in the owners taking the rewards from the business they have worked hard for.
Please call us for a no obligation exploratory discussion
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